GR Music
Odara GR Musical
Què és?
Odara GR Musical és un projecte que té com a objectiu fer diversos grans recorreguts (GR) per portar la música en directe a pobles i llocs on, habitualment, no acostumi a arribar.
Es tracta d'organitzar petits concerts on us presentarem el nostre espectacle intimista format per un conjunt de cançons on expliquem històries i vivències.
Odara GR Musical is a project that aims to embark on various long-distance walks (GR) to bring live music to towns and places where it doesn't usually reach.
The idea is to organize small concerts where we will present our intimate show, featuring a collection of songs that tell stories and experiences.
Voler organitzar un o més concerts a la teva petita població o zona.
Disposar d'un espai on poder reunir un grup reduït de persones com ara: un bar, un centre social, un jardí, un vestíbul, una bodega, una casa particular, una església, un estable...,
Un endoll (nosaltres portem una petita amplificació)
To organize one or more concerts in your small town or area, you will need the following:
1. Willingness to organize the concerts.
2. A space where you can gather a small group of people, such as a bar, community center, garden, lobby, winery, private home, church, or establishment.
3. Access to an electrical outlet (we provide a small amplification system).
Additionally, you may need to consider logistics such as promoting the event, arranging seating or standing areas, and ensuring any necessary permits or permissions are obtained.
Per què GR Musical
Als Odara ens agrada fer camí i ens preocupa que la cultura en general, i la música en particular, esdevingui únicament patrimoni de grans poblacions. Estimem el món rural i ens motiva poder aportar i compartir allò que ens agrada i sabem fer.
Defugim dels estereotips musicals, de la música comercial i, per tant, intentem ser conseqüents amb les nostres conviccions.
Donem valor a la música en viu, propera i orgànica.
GR Musical, a name chosen by Odara, reflects our commitment and passion for taking music to smaller communities and rural areas. We believe that culture, including music, should not be limited to large cities. We hold a deep appreciation for rural areas and are driven to contribute and share what we love and do best.
We strive to defy musical stereotypes and commercial trends, remaining true to our convictions. We place great value on live music that is intimate and organic, creating a connection between the performers and the audience.
Quan costa?
El projecte GR Musical no pretén obtenir cap benefici econòmic i, per tant, és gratuït. Acceptarem, això sí, poder parlar amb la gent del lloc, descobrir cada racó del poble, conèixer alguna història curiosa que ens vulgueu explicar i, no direm que no, si ens convideu a menjar o ens acolliu a alguna casa per passar la nit.
The GR Musical project is not intended to generate any financial profit, and therefore, it is free of charge. However, we would appreciate the opportunity to engage with the local community, explore every corner of the town, learn about any interesting stories you'd like to share, and we wouldn't say no if you invite us for a meal or offer us accommodation for the night.